20 October 2011

Day off...

Today is my birthday. I don’t remember ever being so cold on the morning of my birthday. It was –1ºC during the night apparently (I didn’t get up to check the accuracy of the BBC website’s weather forecast). There are icicles on our big bins (it rained yesterday afternoon). I had trouble wheeling them out onto our driveway as my skin nearly got irremediably stuck on the handle of the recycling bin.

Nonetheless, it’s going to be a glorious day. Weatherwise, from a practical point of view and also metaphorically. I’m having the day off, catching up on my writing (including this blog ;)) and my reading (including my writing magazine, Mslexia). I’ll also go for a lovely walk in the park next to my house, kicking the leaves and remembering how lucky I am to have all that I have in my life (including the wonderful people who share it).

Today, I have much to celebrate – way beyond 35 years on this earth:
·     From a writing point of view, my stories will soon be available on the Apple Store and therefore on the iPad, through the app developed by my mum’s friend’s son, Fabien. The website is nearly ready and we will soon finalise the design for each of my two stories, ‘Crimson Shoes’ and ‘The Locked Door’. Watch this space – it will soon be filled with news about and links to the website and Facebook page!

·     From a house point of view, we may redo our bathroom completely – we’re waiting for a quote from a local plumber and builder. Six years after we moved into our house, the bathroom is looking old, tired and shabby. The very least it needs is a lick of paint and a nip ‘n tuck in places. But redoing it and extending it is much more appealing and exciting!

·     From a health point of view, we’re all fine and healthy, apart from the usual cough and cold that plagues at least one of us throughout the autumn and winter. Which is more (or less, depending on which way you look at it)  than what my friend A can say, as her cancer has come back, and this time in her bones, liver and lungs… I ran the Race for Life 5k for her back in June. I will run it again next year, for her, for me, for us, for all that are affected by cancer in one way or another. Go A, you’re a fighter, you’ll beat it again!

PS: Carla Bruni Sarkozy’s daughter could have had the graciousness of waiting a few more hours to be born – we would have shared the same birthday (35 years’ difference –­­ doesn’t count, does it?!)

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